John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Friday, June 5, 2009

OK, it's official, Gio will attend Highlands Elementary next year, and he will attend summer school at Santa Clarita with his new classmates. Vince and I have been waiting for this moment, and now it's here I feel so different and lost. I have faith that this new chapter in our lives is clearly what GOD wants for his Angel, because I was so happy in my routine day after day, I love you so much lady's under the tree, that I will miss our talks 30Min's before school and after. I don't want to ever say bye to you girls, but please pray for our family as we turn a new page to Giovanni's book, I really want Gio to success in his new school so I will give it 110%, but if for what ever reason it doesn't work, please open the door for me once again. Here's to five years of sisterhood, and I will never say bye to you, Miss Michelle, the glue that keeps up together, Miss Julie, the rock that helps us see the light, Miss Annette, the heart that loves and cares always, Miss Dena, the strength, we have witness you go through so much and still hang on...Please, I ask that you all pray for Giovanni that he may have great success at his new school with all of his new friends and staff, this is his moment a puzzle piece has been put together for our family this year with Gio, Vince and I our so happy for him, but with many more puzzle pieces to find...Glory to GOD in the Highest above all...

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