John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Fathers Day Vince Baca...

I have been thinking what is a father? And what should a father be like? Well growing up my father was my mother, so I didn't feel the love of a father and what that should feel like, until I meet my husband Vince. He has been a great care giver, dad, and shoulder to cry on for me and my two boys. I can remember watching a single mother working so hard to get what I needed, sometimes to hard, at times she felt to tired to play dolls, or just spending quiet time with me was to hard, but in my head I knew she loved her daughters so much! I started to question what is a dad and how and where could I find one, all the other kids had one, and I just needed to ask my mom for one next time we went shopping for food!! But guess what, I came to realize as I got older that my dad had bigger plans in life away from me, so I start to hate life and him for leaving and never coming back. I gave my mom the hardest time for divorcing my dad, and one day I just let it all go and started to live my own life and not my dads mistakes. I got a call from him 25 years later he told me "I love and want to see you, so that you can forgive me you see I found GOD and I need to be forgiving from you." So I did see him, and I told him it's not me you need to ask forgiveness from, and slowly started to see the light, my dad just passed away one month ago, and I will never get to say good bye to him and how much I truly do love him, and what he means to me, and that I should not judge him for my own decision in my own life because of bad choices he made in his life, but now that he's gone I will still continue to pray for him and only hope that he believed in Jesus Christ as his LORD. So then I meet this great guy, and I start to let go of all the hate and wishing for some thing that was never meant for me for reasons I should never question! Vince and I have two sons together and that's when I witness a dad's love for a child, a breath of clean fresh air, a moment in time, a shoulder that never gets tired, a dad that gives all and keeps nothing for himself, a man who is chosen to always pick up the pieces and never lets go. So I want to say to my husband Vince, and to all of the fathers that love and stay to be loved, and give without caring if you receive, Thank you and may GOD bless your path as a dad. I have been through many deaths, so I can't and will not miss out on this love, the love of a father to his child, we love you Vince and I truly thank GOD for your presence in our life, Here's to you papa, and the gift of becoming a father to your two boys, remember not all men are strong enough to be a dad, that's why I now know that GOD blesses you with the gift of fatherhood and gives you all the strenght you need to succeed at it. In this picture I think is the best gift any dad can receive, an 8 year old boy who is affected with autism and can't speak at the moment is now writing, after many years of not showing any signs of communication, and his 2 year old typical brother is holding up his big bothers handwriting work with joy. Glory to GOD in the Highest above all...

Gio is now writing, Vince and I have been waited for this moment to come, we have to keep our Faith and Pray...

I think this is the best fathers day gift ever, our 8 year old son that is affected with autism who has so speech at the moment writes how he feels for his papa...

Giovanni and Joshua Baca, Vince's two boys holding up what they want to say to their papa....

Well I guess it all comes to an end, Joshua felt tired about it all, but guess what papa he loves you too...haha

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