John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Surfers Healing 2009...

Surfers Healing was great, thank you Lorenzo, Tammy, Grandma, Grandpa, and Katie for coming to watch Giovanni surf, to see him have lots of fun for a change. Lorenzo thanks for all of your help you made our day enjoyable with lots of shade. Surfers Healing is a place where kids affected with autism can come and ride waves with professional surfers. It's truly a blessing to witness the kids have so much fun... In this picture I had to show how mad Joshua was that he didn't get a chance to surf again.

Gio coming out of the cold water to meet me, after his long ride...

Gio did great!! I just loved this moment, watching my son have so much fun...

Gio liked standing up, he did almost the entire time...

The girls watching their sons ride waves, Julie, Me, and Michelle

The surfer told me, "I asked him if he was happy and he said HAP-PY back to me it was great to hear a kid talk back to me."

Gio going for a second round of fun...

He didn't want to get off the board, he jumped off the board once...

Gio's first wave...

Gio's second wave...

And this is Gio going for a third wave...

He knew that something fun was about to happen to him...

Katie, his cousin was loving it, she always helps Vince and I with Gio. Thank you Katie for coming, it means a lot to your cousin Gio...

"I don't know what Gio is thinking here, but I know he is happy to have family who cares, like Gio's papa Vince who captured this moment forever in a picture, and the people that make a difference in a life living with autism, thank you GOD for the Surfers Healing program, the staff and surfers who volunteer their time to make a child with autism feel happy with the one thing that makes them happy the most WATER...

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