John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This picture has a long and funny story, but when you have friends that care for each other the choices you make as friends are crazy and fun. Annette, Michelle and Julie make the most beautiful jewelry pieces I have ever seen, and in the Winter I make handmade scarves, together we started to sell them at boutiques OK! one or two! Julie couldn't be there for this one so we put her name on a manikin and had our picture taken to show her when we got home. I'm blogging because these days we don't hang out as much as we use to anymore, or maybe it's just me! Well I know that I will always have these girls as my sisters in Christ, and that real friends always pick up the pieces for each other, in good and bad times. There's nothing like calling one of these Lady's and hearing that your not going crazy alone, that they understand everything you are going through living with this label called autism, and all of it's ups and downs, "Michelle says it's all a big roller coaster", and "I say just put your hands up in the air for it all, what else." It's always someones turn to go through a difficult time of pain and stress, I think everyone gets a turn, more than once! Here's to 5 crazy wonderful years of friendship! And many more to come as our boys get older...

1 comment:

Julie Anne Winkle said...

Love ya' Monica, thanks for the encouraging words.