John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday Barbecue with family...

Sunday was fun! We got together because my little sister Cassandra is leaving today to New York, and a lot of other places for a little over two weeks. So we wanted to say bye to her. We all meet at my sister Nikki's house, and had lots of fun in her pool. I think Gio is done with the water, but if he sees it he wants in...

My nephew little Ray, he loves the camera, he looks so cute...

My two little sisters, Nikki and Cassandra, with the boys...

All of us in the pool, having fun...

So then the Lady's came back to the kitchen, OK! just Nikki cooked and it was so good...In this picture my three sisters, Janis, Nikki and Cassandra...

Joshua and little Ray, their only one year apart, and really like each other...

My brother in law Ray loves to cook on the grill, and he grills up really good food...

My sister Cassie, with Josh in the pool, he really likes her...

OK! so they got a little crazy when they saw the camera, Ray my brother in law with Jasmine and Alex my older sisters kids...

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