John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I'm so tired! I need a change in my life, to completely surrender and start thinking about my own salvation... The four corners of my life, Faith, Trust, Pray and Believe in Holy Spirit which is the LORD that I need and want to work in me and make me new! Having this in my life is what keeps me going, and nothing else! When I have those four walls up, I'm OK! I love the strong woman with a big heart, GOD has made me into, I don't want to change this about myself, I'm very thankful for it! I want my boys to see that about their mom! I just need to pray about the new changes I need to make in my life now, and understand it's what GOD wants for me and the boys, not me! GOD loves me, for the Bible tells me so, and that's what matters most in the end, how I served my MASTER!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday Barbecue with family...

Sunday was fun! We got together because my little sister Cassandra is leaving today to New York, and a lot of other places for a little over two weeks. So we wanted to say bye to her. We all meet at my sister Nikki's house, and had lots of fun in her pool. I think Gio is done with the water, but if he sees it he wants in...

My nephew little Ray, he loves the camera, he looks so cute...

My two little sisters, Nikki and Cassandra, with the boys...

All of us in the pool, having fun...

So then the Lady's came back to the kitchen, OK! just Nikki cooked and it was so good...In this picture my three sisters, Janis, Nikki and Cassandra...

Joshua and little Ray, their only one year apart, and really like each other...

My brother in law Ray loves to cook on the grill, and he grills up really good food...

My sister Cassie, with Josh in the pool, he really likes her...

OK! so they got a little crazy when they saw the camera, Ray my brother in law with Jasmine and Alex my older sisters kids...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Today at Hurricane Harbor...

We like to go to Hurricane Harbor on Fridays with our kids, today Michelle's dad came with us, Bradley loves him so much, and always wants to be with him. In this picture Michelle, her dad and Brad.
Joshua loves the food...
Annette and her son Kenny Bee also go with us, in this picture we were all eating and chilling...
I love this picture, when Bradley Gio's friend is happy he is the cutest kid ever, he has a big smile on his face and loves to hug and play with you, but in this picture he just wanted to rest...
All of our kids love the water, anything water related make them so happy. Just look at Brad...
Now look at Gio, I tell you they really love the water...
I love this picture of Gio, he likes this spot so much...
Look at Kenny Bee in the water, he is such a good boy...
Gio loves to make new friends...
I love to see them both so happy playing in the water, they really like Hurricane Harbor...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Three days without any accident's with Josh's potty training...

I don't know the future, but right now he is doing great with the potty training. He loves his new cute character potty and briefs, Lighting McQueen, Buzz, and Thomas, no it's not Princess stuff, but his Imagination is driving me crazy, he tells me "No wet McQueen mama" it's the cutest thing ever for me. And his little legs and bottom are so cute!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Today was a nice day for me...

Today was better than yesterday, our little guy is doing so well with the potty training, he's such a smart boy that's something he got from dad LOL... And Gio is the heart of my day, he loves his mama and now says " good night mama" all on his own, and he tells his brother "my turn" thanks to his new therapist Rachel. And I'm starting to believe in things I couldn't see that were right in front of my face before, like the will to let go of a lot of things, NO! Monica your not in total control GOD is! He has opened my eyes, and I tell you it's refreshing to feel the Holy Spirit work in you to make you HIS...Thank you GOD you are showing me how I need to change my life in a new direction, a direction of humbling and gratefulness to open my heart to feel the peace only you can bring me. A dream came true for me more than a decade ago, and I forgot about it, and now I need and want it back! I want to share all the great things that are happening to me, but I need more time!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Joshua is my prayer request answered by GOD, for help with Giovanni...

So! I potty train Joshua this weekend, as he was sleeping tonight after a long hard day of potty training, I looked into his crib and I realized that my baby boy is growing up to fast for me. He is a very smart boy and understands everything you teach him very quickly. So I thought to myself I can remember him as a newborn like it was just yesterday! and now here I am potty training him the last step to becoming a little man, next thing you know he will be big like Gio with so much ahead of him...Joshua doesn't know it right now, but I prayed for help and GOD sent me this little baby boy that one day will become a man. I wanted a girl, but the LORD knows my path and He gave me what I needed a strong boy, and I love and thank Him for Joshua...I know that Josh is going to be there for me when I need help with Gio in the future because his hands are blessed by GOD, not very many people can do the job he was sent for, watching over and caring for one of the LORDS angels here on earth (his older brother Gio that has a label called autism.) Little brother was sent to be big brothers best friend, to read him the Bible, to take him around the world, and to show him all the things one can only hope for. So LORD please help me guide them both as their teacher here on earth, in your ways and not mine! I ask that you pray for my little baby boy Josh, may GOD bless his heart and keep him strong like Peter, a rock...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This picture has a long and funny story, but when you have friends that care for each other the choices you make as friends are crazy and fun. Annette, Michelle and Julie make the most beautiful jewelry pieces I have ever seen, and in the Winter I make handmade scarves, together we started to sell them at boutiques OK! one or two! Julie couldn't be there for this one so we put her name on a manikin and had our picture taken to show her when we got home. I'm blogging because these days we don't hang out as much as we use to anymore, or maybe it's just me! Well I know that I will always have these girls as my sisters in Christ, and that real friends always pick up the pieces for each other, in good and bad times. There's nothing like calling one of these Lady's and hearing that your not going crazy alone, that they understand everything you are going through living with this label called autism, and all of it's ups and downs, "Michelle says it's all a big roller coaster", and "I say just put your hands up in the air for it all, what else." It's always someones turn to go through a difficult time of pain and stress, I think everyone gets a turn, more than once! Here's to 5 crazy wonderful years of friendship! And many more to come as our boys get older...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Boys night out to Disneyland without mom (Part 2)...

OK, did I forget to mention that Vince gave me two days of rest, they also went to Six Flags without me the next day. It was very hard for me to be without my boys, but I know that Vince needs to spend some guy time with his two sons. They love Six Flags, Josh loves Thomas world and Gio loves all of the big fun ride. So this picture of Gio says it all "DAD NOT THIS ONE ANYMORE."

Joshua can stay here playing with this Thomas table for hours if you let him, he cries every time it's time to go get on the rides with Gio...

Josh is starting to get on the big boy rides now with his big brother, but you should see his face when the ride stops. They ask the kids if they want to ride again, and Gio yells with the biggest smile "more" and Josh is fighting to get off yelling "NO! mama off."

Here's that look again from Josh, I don't think dad heard him saying NO, or maybe he did!!

Joshua loves this table, and this store, this is like his dream come true, he loves Thomas...

Well, I guess Joshua has to get use to the feeling in his stomach, when he rides with his brother Gio because Gio's not stopping anytime soon! Poor Josh...
OK, dad made the little guy happy again!

Gio has a blast on this ride, he laughs so hard!

So yes, after a long two days with their papa, they came home so dirty and tired, they both ask me for a bath...

Boys night out to Disneyland without mom...

OK! So Vince said, "I want to take my boys out, but without you." I looked at him and said OK!! It looks like they had a good time without me... The guys went to Disneyland, and it wasn't for an hour or two it was all day. Giovanni and Joshua love spending time with their papa, so going to the happiest place in town with him was perfect!

Vince, Giovanni and Joshua.

I know that castles are for girls, but the boys love when it lights up at night with a great firework and laser show...

Gio is in the middle of main street, in this picture.

OK! What ever Gio does, Josh wants and needs to do the same...

The boys like all of the rides, but I think Gio loves, the Buzz lightyear and Small world rides the most, he has to ride them more than once, I'm talking five or more times. It's OK! because this is the place he loves the most, he knows his way there, and if you take a wrong turn, he will let you know!

Josh loves Mickey Mouse, he says Magic for anything related to him...

Look at Joshua in this picture, I think his dad is calling him to turn around for the picture and Josh is like "NO! Gio look at this monster he wants to eat us, RUN."

I love this picture, look at Gio he is looking straight at the camera for the picture, something he doesn't do often. I think he is watching to many soccer games with his dad, the soccer players stand just like that for their group photo at the start of evey game, now if only he could stand like that for his own soccer pictures, maybe this year!

Well, I guess when your having to much fun with the guys, you have to pay for it some how...I love this picture!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How the big boys play...

Here is Joshua playing with his toys, he has to turn the room upside down to find one toy!! I guess this is how the big boys play with their cars and trucks. When Gio gets home from school he is so mad at Josh, because Gio has always been this clean cool kid, that Joshua's craziness drives him mad he yells "all done" I think he means get out of my room!! On the other hand Josh has always been the wild and crazy kid that will find anything to destroy...
"Josh look at this room" he says to me "mama Joshie playing."

Well I guess if he's having fun, it shouldn't hurt anyone! This is a small little thing to others that feels so big to me, Joshua is playing with toys! So I distract Gio with food when he gets home from school, until I clean up his room for him...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July...

My two fireworks, Joshua and Giovanni! I just love when the boys are happy, and looking so cute in their red white and blue...Some moments are big and others small, I just don't want to miss them at all...

The boys came home from school with these beautiful pieces of art work they made at school. Gio made the big flag, and I just love it! I'm going to put it in a black frame for his room. Joshua made the small firework under Gio's big flag. Gio came home with his flag and was so happy that he made something so nice, he said "flag" and Josh was so mad because he wanted to make one too. So the next day, guess what Josh made his own art work, and he held it tight in his arms, until we got home and said to me "mama with Gio's" they both looked so cute that I just had to take a picture of them under their art work...I'm so weak when it comes to moments like this, thank you GOD!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The love of a son, it heals all things and always picks up the broken pieces...

Giovanni loves his mama, this I know for his kisses tell me so...I love my two boys they make me happy, and that makes me want to be the best mom I can ever hope to be for them both! Thank GOD for little baby boys, that grow up right before our eyes into men that love their mama! Help me LORD raise them into the fine young men you want them to be...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thank you GOD for Giovanni...

This week for Giovanni at school was so much better! As I was driving home from picking him up from school, he started to cry again, and I said to myself OH NO!! not again, and so I asked him what he wanted and he said "more school, no all done." Thank you LORD for the right path, you gave me and Vince what we needed to make things better for your child, and Gio is so much happier now!!!