John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 19th, was my moms birthday...

OK, I feel the need to talk about my mom Jenny Villa her real name was Juanita, but she hated that name. Her birthday was April 19, she was only in her early fifty's when she passed away. It was a hard fight against cancer for her, GOD gave my mom two years of strenght to defeat it. The last six months or so of her life we received notice from her doctors that the tumor was not growing or spreading. In my mind she was ready to go into remission, but her under weight weak body could no longer hold up the pain and suffering was to much to witness, but you could see her passion for GOD she would later describe it in her journal for us as a feeling of being refreshed, clean like white snow... She could no longer keep food in, and that's how she passed away. It has been very hard for us, we think about her everyday, I will give or receive a call from my sisters about moments we had with her. I would like to share this with you, so you may never take a moment for granted in your lives with your loved ones, pray with and for them always.. because life is to short! Here's the thing I'm so thankful to have had a mom so strong, that in the end she touched a part of me as a believer and a mother "never say never" and " always stick together as a family in good and bad times" and most of all "huge and tell your kids you love them always no matter what." In this picture she is with her twin my older sister Janis, they are so much alike it's crazy sometimes talking to my sister. I'm so glad I have a picture of them hugging, my mom and sister don't like to huge much, I guess they were feeling the moment...

Here she is with Vince my husband, or as she would say "fuck en Vince." She loved to live it up and have fun with her beer and family, she was so transparent with everything and everybody...

In this picture, my mom is with my little sisters Cassandra and Nikki at one of Giovanni's birthday party's...

So, life starts to get hard for the family in this picture just months after finding out she had cancer, she always thought about her girls and their events first, she was at my baby shower (for Josh) more willing than ever to fight... My niece Leah loved her grandma so much...

My dad loved and loves my mom so much... He was there until the end! He misses her so much, he always tells us girls (my sisters and I) how in all of us she still remains.. So I guess we did listen to you mom when you were talking to us... We all cook, and talk just like her, one of us even dresses just like her!!

She wanted to take these pictures, she was so weak and in so much pain,she called my husband Vince and asked him to take these pictures of her with my dad... I noticed that taking the pictures was something very difficult for her to do, but I think she knew something, and wanted us girls to witness something special her will to overcome fear. Her Love for my dad was so deep in sickness and in health...

In this picture it was Christmas day. My little sister Cassie and our dad helped her with everything she needed...

In this picture, me Vince and my mom and dad... She always stayed on that side of the couch, she would not sleep in her bed, or any other place in the house so we made that her spot...

In this picture she is with Joshua my son, she loved to hold him, and tell me he looked like me.. I'm so glad they meet...

My sister Janis, Cassie, mom, Joshua, dad and me. Josh was only two months old. His first Christmas with her...

She was so happy to be with him. She was sick and still came to see us in the Hospital with my favorite tacos from our favorite place in L.A... Here's to you mom Happy Birthday, I love and miss you, but I know that you are no longer suffering and you have peace now. And I remember what you always told us girls, "there is no magic pill to help you with the pain and hurt that life brings your way." You are right mom!!


Julie Anne Winkle said...

How beautiful Monica! You truly gave a loving tribute to your mom!
I love you friend, Julie

The Baca family said...

Thank you Julie, I'm praying for Noah your little Angel...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday mom...

Anonymous said...

I love and miss you mom, Happy Birthday!