John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chrissy and Giovanni...

Chrissy has been part of Gio's life for along time, she has helped him in so many ways. Gio loves Chrissy, I don't know how to tell him she is leaving us. I think he knows...Chrissy is graduating from Master College next week, and is headed to Tanzania to complete missionary work. I'm so proud of her and all that she has accomplish, she is truly a gift from GOD and we will miss her so much. I know that one day Gio and Chrissy will meet again. Vince and I would like to say Thank you Chrissy for the love and help you gave our son, may the Lord bless you always in all that you do in life...

Gio and Chrissy connected the moment they meet each other, I always had to tell his other therapist what to do, or I would just do it myself, and one day here comes this active, fun, loving girl with a heart of gold, blessed by GOD. Anything Gio needed she was always there, if I traveled out of town she worked with him at home with his grandparents, if I was sick and couldn't make it to Church, she would pick him up and take him anyways, I'm going to miss her help and love for Gio...Chrissy I'm not saying bye to you, I will see you soon Lord willing...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Little Sister Cassandra...

It's time to blog about my little sister Cassandra, she is graduating with a Masters degree from U.S.C. in about two weeks. I'm so proud of her it hurts really it does, she had to witness her mom die a very hard death, but she keep her promise to our mom that she would finish school no matter what, guess what it's show time! She has been a blessing in my life, a true rock. I always knew she loved school from the moment she enter Kinder, my mom worked very hard cleaning houses and doing their laundry everyday to give us girls what we needed and most of the time it was just enough to eat, but for some reason I can always remember having everything I needed and more... So my job was walking Cassandra to and from school everyday. She would say "why" all the time it made me crazy, Why are the trees green? Why are the plants different colors? it was endless, and if that wasn't enough she would ask me to read books to her, and count with her, you have to remember I was only 15, and at that time I was only into boys and make-up and here is this little person asking me to play school...I will always miss my mom, but I will always greatly appreciate that GOD gave her four daughters, and now that we have each other this sister thing feels just right. Cassandra Villa my little sister the English Professor not even 25 yet with a Masters degree, I love her for making her dreams come true. An answer to one of your question little sis, Can I make a lot of money reading books to people? "Yes you can" and you will... In this picture me, my older sister by a year Janis and my little sister Cassie.

I think she is so pretty, and have I told you she is smart too... Look out guys. My sister Janis is very protective of her so it's not going to be easy for you guys to get with this girl.

I really do think she has my moms smile when my mom was young. In this picture she is with Vince's little sister Tammy...

OK, I went to a club with her for my birthday, and I thought I could dance, she turns around and tells me "let me show you how it's done in my world." I guess since becoming a mom I've been in a bubble a little to long... Cassandra here's to reaching new dreams now...

Monday, April 20, 2009

A day with Thomas the train.

OK, Sunday was a bad day, but Saturday was lots of fun. The boys love Thomas the train, so we went out to Filmore and had fun with who else the one and only "Thomas." I think Gio is out growing Thomas but Joshua loves him...

Joshua looks at everything through imagination, this is all new for me and I love it...

All aboard...

OK, Gio had some fun,, I love his smile...

Josh with his friends, Gordon, Percy, and James, he just named them all for you...

Me and the boys in front with Thomas...

Gio and Josh really like the fact that they were on Thomas, I think Josh a little more than G look at his big smile...

I love when they have fun together, Gio really takes care of his little brother... Look at Josh holding on to Gio for protection...

My son helps me live my life...

So this weekend I had a big awakening with Giovanni... But the good thing is that Gio is safe and in our arms now...It left me thinking of how no one is going to take care of my son like me and his father Vince, and how I can't let my guard down to trust anyone...

Gio is something I need in my life, autism isn't something I want or like, but Gio is SOMETHING I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT... he makes me a better person, and has taught me how to open my heart to receive love, so you see without him I'm incomplete...

I Love how he makes me stop and listen to my heart... But the thing I Love most about my son is his ability to show me the way out of everything that goes wrong in my life, he is the light that leads me to the open door to breath again...I really do need this boy, and my life is not complete until I due all that I possibly can to always open doors for him to be a man without autism that can read, write and tell you about his LORD Fathers message to you and me... My dream is that he may one day read the entire Bible to me, only then will I stop opening doors and let him open them himself...

I love to watch him sleep, he looks so peaceful, without autism in his way or any stress or differences just a little boy who loves his Lord father GOD... Here's to you son and the love that mama and papa have for you always!! " no matter what you say, no matter how you feel, no matter what you do, I LOVE YOU..."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

YouTube - New Again Brad Paisley & Sara Evans Music Video

YouTube - New Again Brad Paisley & Sara Evans Music Video Please watch this video. Thank you Lord Father for making all things new for sent Giovanni Baca to me because you love me, and I thank you in the name of your only son Jesus Christ so that you may be glorified in all that I do...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 19th, was my moms birthday...

OK, I feel the need to talk about my mom Jenny Villa her real name was Juanita, but she hated that name. Her birthday was April 19, she was only in her early fifty's when she passed away. It was a hard fight against cancer for her, GOD gave my mom two years of strenght to defeat it. The last six months or so of her life we received notice from her doctors that the tumor was not growing or spreading. In my mind she was ready to go into remission, but her under weight weak body could no longer hold up the pain and suffering was to much to witness, but you could see her passion for GOD she would later describe it in her journal for us as a feeling of being refreshed, clean like white snow... She could no longer keep food in, and that's how she passed away. It has been very hard for us, we think about her everyday, I will give or receive a call from my sisters about moments we had with her. I would like to share this with you, so you may never take a moment for granted in your lives with your loved ones, pray with and for them always.. because life is to short! Here's the thing I'm so thankful to have had a mom so strong, that in the end she touched a part of me as a believer and a mother "never say never" and " always stick together as a family in good and bad times" and most of all "huge and tell your kids you love them always no matter what." In this picture she is with her twin my older sister Janis, they are so much alike it's crazy sometimes talking to my sister. I'm so glad I have a picture of them hugging, my mom and sister don't like to huge much, I guess they were feeling the moment...

Here she is with Vince my husband, or as she would say "fuck en Vince." She loved to live it up and have fun with her beer and family, she was so transparent with everything and everybody...

In this picture, my mom is with my little sisters Cassandra and Nikki at one of Giovanni's birthday party's...

So, life starts to get hard for the family in this picture just months after finding out she had cancer, she always thought about her girls and their events first, she was at my baby shower (for Josh) more willing than ever to fight... My niece Leah loved her grandma so much...

My dad loved and loves my mom so much... He was there until the end! He misses her so much, he always tells us girls (my sisters and I) how in all of us she still remains.. So I guess we did listen to you mom when you were talking to us... We all cook, and talk just like her, one of us even dresses just like her!!

She wanted to take these pictures, she was so weak and in so much pain,she called my husband Vince and asked him to take these pictures of her with my dad... I noticed that taking the pictures was something very difficult for her to do, but I think she knew something, and wanted us girls to witness something special her will to overcome fear. Her Love for my dad was so deep in sickness and in health...

In this picture it was Christmas day. My little sister Cassie and our dad helped her with everything she needed...

In this picture, me Vince and my mom and dad... She always stayed on that side of the couch, she would not sleep in her bed, or any other place in the house so we made that her spot...

In this picture she is with Joshua my son, she loved to hold him, and tell me he looked like me.. I'm so glad they meet...

My sister Janis, Cassie, mom, Joshua, dad and me. Josh was only two months old. His first Christmas with her...

She was so happy to be with him. She was sick and still came to see us in the Hospital with my favorite tacos from our favorite place in L.A... Here's to you mom Happy Birthday, I love and miss you, but I know that you are no longer suffering and you have peace now. And I remember what you always told us girls, "there is no magic pill to help you with the pain and hurt that life brings your way." You are right mom!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

From our Family to yours..

Now after the Sabbath, as it begin to dawn toward the first day of the week,Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the grave. And behold, a severe earthquake had occurred, for an angel of the LORD descended from heaven and come and rolled away the stone and sat upon it. And his appearance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. The guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men. The angel said to the woman, "do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. "He is not here, for HE has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying. "Go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead; and behold, He is going ahead of you into Galilee, there you will see Him; behold, I have told you." And they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy and ran to report it to His disciples. And behold, Jesus met them and greeted them . And they came up and took hold of His feet and worshiped Him. Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid; go and take word to my brethren to leave for Galilee, and there they will see ME." Matthew 28:1-10.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the ages." Matthew 28:19-20. Me and the boys just watched Passion of the Christ together and felt we wanted to share the good news with you all, the true meaning of Easter Sunday.

Free Christian ecards - Holidays - Easter (4/12) - Hope

Free Christian ecards - Holidays - Easter (4/12) - Hope

Saturday, April 4, 2009

These are the moments I thank GOD for...

Today my friend Michelle took 400 great pictures of me and my boys Giovanni and Joshua, I wanted to share some with you. When she was taking these pictures I told her that it felt so intimate for me, I have been going through so much these pass few years. I have seen many deaths and so many people facing trials in their lives, so big that life feels to long and painful for them, so sometimes I miss or forget the things going on in my own life to love and be loved, but one thing I know is true... that GOD is real and alive inside those who choose to follow him. So this is a moment that I didn't forget taking time out to take these pictures and treasuring them in my heart right now that my boys are young , because life is to short and you never know when you could be facing something very difficult in your journey more than what you think your facing now, your I want to live a more grateful and truthful life and show my boys GOD is first and everything else will follow. GOD waits for that perfect moment to knock on your door, only for you to open and receive him in your life.

WOW! in this picture I see that Giovanni is becoming a young man, his baby face is gone, but imprinted in my heart forever. He is going to be a tall dark and handsome guy...

I love when my boys are happy, it makes me feel joyful inside like a big kid. They love each other so much...
Gio tries his best to smile and look at the camera, but for some reason he prefers to look up at the sky.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hard week!

So, I had a very hard week, mentally and emotionally. But it was so good to hear a friend tell me how she feels so happy with her son and all that he has accomplished these past few months. I'm so glad for her family. Over all my week was filled with things I thought I would never have to face, but God wants me to see it and fix it!!. Giovanni and Joshua are the best things GOD has going for me right now, and I love him for that, well today the end of the week I started to feel that maybe life for our family isn't so bad and I should pray for others before myself, because we have our health and that's a very good thing. Thank you GOD for sending your only Son Jesus Christ to pay for my sins, and help me keep my faith, eyes and heart fixed on you.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Smile Joshua!

Vince and I, along with the boys were out shopping recently, we always give the boys a book or two to entertain them while we are looking around in the store. Giovanni will just look around in the back of the cart and smile and make his noises and tap on all the books, but Joshua will always ask us to buy the books and Vince or myself will look at him and say No. I guess we have been saying No a lot , because this time he said to him self well I will just take what's inside the book the best part. In this picture Vince looks over and guess what Joshua gets caught stealing!!

But there's still hope for him, This is Josh in school looking so cute in the hat he made for Easter.