John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Giovanni plays basketball for the Special Olympics Team here in Santa Clarita....

Me cheering on the teams! Waiting for that moment for Giovanni to see me there!

Go team Sharks! The team got Silver!

The Athletes running with the torch....

Giovanni with his little brother Joshua before the games.....

The torch getting delivered in a very special way! It was one of the best moments in my life to feel Gio let go of my hand as we started walking on the field. As I let go of his hand, I died inside to all the fears of losing him. When I looked back and saw his smile as I walked away from him I thanked GOD for his Love, and the moment he gave us both! Gio worked so hard, and he wanted to show it without mom holding him! So he walked with his team in the middle of hundreds of people all around him, it's a moment I will never forget!

Joshua meets Thomas....

The conductor gave Joshua this certificate for completing his ride on Thomas! He was so happy!

One happy kid, holding a very special ticket....


They both love this place.....
I just love Joshua's smile.....
Hey, look its Woody....
Joshua has a good sense of direction....
My little man with his best friend! I just love these times, when everything in their life is so simple and carefree!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

World Cup 2010 Africa

In our house everything stops for this event! "World Cup 2010 Africa." We party all night with family and friends as we dance all day to the sweet sound of GOALS made by only the best soccer players in the world! Giovanni's first word was "GOAL" and Joshua said "MESSI" which is the best soccer player in the world! And yes we are a little crazy, but we are happy with it!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I love that Gio is so active, he's always doing something new!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Autism has a cure, GOD!

Faith that GOD loves and cares for Giovanni keeps my two feet on the ground always, rain or shine!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Issac...

My son Joshua wants to say Happy Birthday to his little cousin Issac, who is now 2 years old! Joshua calls him "baby Ray."

Friday, January 29, 2010

Update on Giovanni and Joshua...

So the Holidays are over, and back to school for the Baca boys. Giovanni's writing is getting so much better, he is now 2 inches taller! Gio is going to be very tall, I love that he is so energetic and active. This Christmas Gio wanted a football, baseball, basketball, and a NDS! He has a male therapist working with him now, and hates to be in his room just sitting and working! He plays outside with his bike and brother right after school, they both love to eat their snacks outside. Joshua is talking about everything and anything! He loves to play with his brother and toys, and loves to have play dates with his friends from school. Joshua is at a private christian preschool, that I volunteer at everyday he is there! Thank you GOD for giving me these moments with Giovanni and Joshua in and out of school. Your Grace and Love makes me complete!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Baca boys...

" GOD knows, and loves you more than me."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I miss you so much mom...

But I see you and feel you in everything I do! Thanks mom for your words, there is no magic pill to help you get through the hard times! Just live them out with GOD, and he will bless your path!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Laker Game with my sister Janis...

My sister Janis and I went to a Laker Game together, we had so much fun! I love to spend time with her...

4 day Cruise, for Vince's Birthday...

We had lots of fun without the kids, but everyday we missed them so much. I really don't have a lot of fun pictures because we only did 3 things all day, eat, drink and sleep!

Me in front of the ship, I don't know how we got to the ship that day! But we did...

The waiter came up to me and, put this you know where....

Me and Vince inside Papas & Beer. We had a great time inside, that we just made it back to the ship on time...

Me and Vince, just before we sailed away for the weekend...Thanks husband I really had a blast with you like always...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Dear Husband....

It's that time again, the boys and I want to say Happy Birthday Papa! Thanks for everything and anything you do for the family, we love and think about you all the time. You wake up every morning rain or shine, healthy or feeling like you do in this picture, just to give your family the best of everything. I'm home with your two boys, and I think that is your true happiness to know that the person who loves them most is right by their side caring for them always LORD willing! Thank you LORD FATHER for my husband, and I pray that you take care of him just like one of your stars, light in the dark sky! Thanks Vince for the gift this year that you gave me, for your birthday, a 4 day cruise this weekend all alone with you!!! Your the best, it's party time....

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Michelle Hopkins...

Here's to so many years as friends! Thanks for always listening to my S****. Happy B-Day Michelle, and I pray for many more to come! Autism Diva's forever....

Monday, October 26, 2009

Autism 101...

Do you have any question about what causes autism? I don't!
Actually this is only one of the factors that affected our child; by 6 months following the vaccination schedule the load of mercury was 190mcg inside Giovanni. The EPA stated that the safe limit was only 60mcg,but the pediatric academy insisted that vaccines were safe regardless.
We see more and more adverse incidents involving vaccinations in child and adults,but we continue to hear how safe they are....(one shoe fits all)

Update on Giovanni...

I have been thinking about my first born son Giovanni a lot, what I mean is that I'm so thankful for the love between him and I. Some people have been telling me, what does it matter if he can talk read or write, because in the end he will still be under your wing forever. I hate autism YES! but I love the LORD and His angel Giovanni Baca, I will not and haven't giving up my hope that one day this little boy will be a great man with lots to say! So please don't ever think for a second that it's pointless for my family and Gio, that's FAITH guys in the promise that GOD knows us all by name. I look into Gio's eyes almost everyday and I tell him "son I haven't forgotten about you." I'm so sorry for the wait, but our LORD GOD all mighty awaits your prescence, so please as I pray for you can you tell Him to help me find you fast because I need you more than anything in this world, and I want nothing more than to know your Father GOD too! LORD thank you for the changes I see in YOUR angel, that I have named Giovanni Baca, I'm communicating with him thought his writing, and it's all your beautiful GRACE GOD. I believe LORD, I believe!!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Aquarium of the Pacific...

We took the boys to the Aquarium in Long Beach. We had a really good time with them, and I just love when Gio and Josh are looking at things for the first time. Gio loves the water so much!

Gio didn't want to touch anything, but the water...

Gio and Joshua looking so cute...OH! I mean cool!

Joshua really had a lot of questions....

Joshua asking papa questions, and Gio just taking it all in...Thank you GOD for another great day with the family!!!

Lombardi Ranch Field Trip with Joshua...

Joshua and I had a great time on his field trip to Lombardi Ranch. I'm so grateful to have these moments with my boys! Joshua on the train...

Joshua taking a break...

OK! did I mention that Joshua needs a lot of TLC! He loves to keep himself entertained when he is bored, sorry little girl...

Joshua packing up his pumpkins, to show his papa and brother...

My son has to be the child that picks up the biggest pumpkin! That's my Josh petite, but so strong and smart...

He really wants to listen, but he is only 3 years old! Who listens at that age?

OK! so put him next to a pretty girl, and guess what he's all ears...

The kids looking at the pigs, and YES! Joshua yelled out "Disgusting."

I love this picture, for every right answered question the kids got a free pumpkin. Joshua came home with three pumpkins and counting, but the teacher wanted to give the other kids a chance to win some pumpkins too. My kid takes after his dad, he is so smart and fast and not to mention so competitive...

Joshua kept asking to let the cow go home, I guess us Baca's watch out for each other! And just so you know after this visit to see the cow, Joshua no longer wants to be called Joshua Baca, it's now Joshua Magic!!!

Here's the class for a group picture...

Another group photo, say cheese guys!

Playing with the girls now...

Joshua picking out a prize pumpkin, he really put a lot of thought into it! We now have plenty of pumpkins at the Baca's place... OH! sorry the Magic's place, thanks son!