John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Lombardi Ranch Field Trip with Joshua...

Joshua and I had a great time on his field trip to Lombardi Ranch. I'm so grateful to have these moments with my boys! Joshua on the train...

Joshua taking a break...

OK! did I mention that Joshua needs a lot of TLC! He loves to keep himself entertained when he is bored, sorry little girl...

Joshua packing up his pumpkins, to show his papa and brother...

My son has to be the child that picks up the biggest pumpkin! That's my Josh petite, but so strong and smart...

He really wants to listen, but he is only 3 years old! Who listens at that age?

OK! so put him next to a pretty girl, and guess what he's all ears...

The kids looking at the pigs, and YES! Joshua yelled out "Disgusting."

I love this picture, for every right answered question the kids got a free pumpkin. Joshua came home with three pumpkins and counting, but the teacher wanted to give the other kids a chance to win some pumpkins too. My kid takes after his dad, he is so smart and fast and not to mention so competitive...

Joshua kept asking to let the cow go home, I guess us Baca's watch out for each other! And just so you know after this visit to see the cow, Joshua no longer wants to be called Joshua Baca, it's now Joshua Magic!!!

Here's the class for a group picture...

Another group photo, say cheese guys!

Playing with the girls now...

Joshua picking out a prize pumpkin, he really put a lot of thought into it! We now have plenty of pumpkins at the Baca's place... OH! sorry the Magic's place, thanks son!

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