John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Update on Giovanni...

I have been thinking about my first born son Giovanni a lot, what I mean is that I'm so thankful for the love between him and I. Some people have been telling me, what does it matter if he can talk read or write, because in the end he will still be under your wing forever. I hate autism YES! but I love the LORD and His angel Giovanni Baca, I will not and haven't giving up my hope that one day this little boy will be a great man with lots to say! So please don't ever think for a second that it's pointless for my family and Gio, that's FAITH guys in the promise that GOD knows us all by name. I look into Gio's eyes almost everyday and I tell him "son I haven't forgotten about you." I'm so sorry for the wait, but our LORD GOD all mighty awaits your prescence, so please as I pray for you can you tell Him to help me find you fast because I need you more than anything in this world, and I want nothing more than to know your Father GOD too! LORD thank you for the changes I see in YOUR angel, that I have named Giovanni Baca, I'm communicating with him thought his writing, and it's all your beautiful GRACE GOD. I believe LORD, I believe!!!!

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