John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Dear Husband....

It's that time again, the boys and I want to say Happy Birthday Papa! Thanks for everything and anything you do for the family, we love and think about you all the time. You wake up every morning rain or shine, healthy or feeling like you do in this picture, just to give your family the best of everything. I'm home with your two boys, and I think that is your true happiness to know that the person who loves them most is right by their side caring for them always LORD willing! Thank you LORD FATHER for my husband, and I pray that you take care of him just like one of your stars, light in the dark sky! Thanks Vince for the gift this year that you gave me, for your birthday, a 4 day cruise this weekend all alone with you!!! Your the best, it's party time....


Hopkins Family said...

What??? Your going on a cruise. How fun we want to go... Have a great time and happy birthday.

The Baca family said...

Vince said thanks Michelle! YES! we want to go with you guys too, just let us know when and where? It's party time with the Hopkins!