John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gio's first day back to school at Plum Cyn. Elementary.....

Today was Giovanni's first day back to school, he is in the 4th grade now. He likes his new teacher Mr. Koegle and the school playground, not to mention the book area in the class. The class is set up so perfectly, thank you Mr. Koegle for your passion at what you do best, teaching and believing in our kids, and it shows!

He has two computers set up for the kids, which I'm grateful for because I would like to see Gio learn more about them...

And a Sensory area, filled with lots of stuff....

Gio's favorite place to be, the book area....

My favorite place....

Gio really needs to learn all of this stuff....

A lot of reading and writing for Gio now, he is going to hate me at the end of the day!

Gio getting to know his class...

He was so done with the camera, and told me "break, all done."

At his desk, he sits right in front, next to a girl!!!

I love his desk, and he does too. He found his name and sat down....

A couple of kids came up to him, and asked him to play with them....So in this picture he was mad that I was still around! Thank you GOD for everything and anything you have planed for your son, I ask for mercy in letting Gio find his path in the world, and totally giving it all to You LORD....

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