John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A week filled with more school work for Gio...

Giovanni has homework, he hates me right now, but it's OK! he will thank me later when he writes a book about "life with GOD not autism." I didn't own a printer until now, he has four log sheets that I need to download and print to be completed every night! Vince and I went to open house last week, Loved it! the teacher is just what Gio needs to be academically challenged. I thought Gio's new school would be to hard for him, but he loves it and it shows! He doesn't want me to walk him into school anymore, he likes to be dropped off using the valet system to meet with his friends on the play ground before class starts. I park and hang out to make sure he is safe, as I'm crying my heart out, people tell me isn't this one of the moments you have been praying and waiting for, and I say YES! LORD please don't ever let me forget these moments of joy, so that when the bad days hit, I can see thought them at the future which is filled with fruit to give you! Thank you LORD Father for your love when you gave me HOPE and FAITH, GlORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHTEST ABOVE ALL! Only by the GRACE of GOD can this be!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Car wash with the boys...

The boys love when we have to get a car wash, It's cute to see them talk to each other, OK! Joshua talks a lot, and Gio sits there with a surprise look on his face...
Gio loves when the car is moving and the water and soap hits the car...

We like to laugh at Joshua, he thinks the world is ending! Even Gio thinks his brothers face is funny!!!

On the other hand Gio loves it, he really thinks it's the coolest thing....So every time we tell them car wash Gio gets happy, and Joshua gets mad!

Monday, August 24, 2009

We had a great weekend...

We watch the sunset, the kids loved it...

Joshua wanted to eat Ice Cream, and loved it too....

He really doesn't get to eat it because Gio is around and can't see him eating it...

We watched the boats sail away...

OK! this was Joshua's first pick of Ice Cream, but then it got messy and he wanted mine instead...

I love this picture, Gio loves the Beach and Joshua loves his brother...

Joshua likes to fall on the ground, and wants Gio to pick him up Josh says to Gio "help me" and Gio goes running to help him up, then you see Joshua with this biggest smile on his face like I got you!!

More fun under the sun...

Gio looking at the view from the Observatory...

Joshua looking out too...

A picture of what's inside Gio that's hurting him...

All three guys, biggest to smallest....Thank you GOD for another great family day!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Missing my baby boy...

Now that Joshua is no longer in diapers, I miss my little baby boy that would bring his diaper bag to me so that I can change him. He is a big boy now, he dresses himself, feeds himself, and is crazy that he uses the potty like a big boy. Josh also talks to you about everything and anything, Gio hates when Josh talks to him in the morning before school....
He looks so cute in his diaper, but I love that I don't have to change it anymore!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gio's first day back to school at Plum Cyn. Elementary.....

Today was Giovanni's first day back to school, he is in the 4th grade now. He likes his new teacher Mr. Koegle and the school playground, not to mention the book area in the class. The class is set up so perfectly, thank you Mr. Koegle for your passion at what you do best, teaching and believing in our kids, and it shows!

He has two computers set up for the kids, which I'm grateful for because I would like to see Gio learn more about them...

And a Sensory area, filled with lots of stuff....

Gio's favorite place to be, the book area....

My favorite place....

Gio really needs to learn all of this stuff....

A lot of reading and writing for Gio now, he is going to hate me at the end of the day!

Gio getting to know his class...

He was so done with the camera, and told me "break, all done."

At his desk, he sits right in front, next to a girl!!!

I love his desk, and he does too. He found his name and sat down....

A couple of kids came up to him, and asked him to play with them....So in this picture he was mad that I was still around! Thank you GOD for everything and anything you have planed for your son, I ask for mercy in letting Gio find his path in the world, and totally giving it all to You LORD....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to school for Gio...

I'm so sad, it's back to school for Giovanni on Wednesday. I loved having him home this short summer! Joshua and I had a blast with Gio...

I know I will have the weekends to spend time with him, but having him home in the morning on weekdays with Joshua was the best!!!

But I think he really misses school, he tells us "I want school "everyday, and Josh tells him "NO! all done school" it's so cute to see how much Joshua loves his brother...

"Back to school" autism aspergers Conference weekend...

I'm sure most of you that live in Santa Clarita valley know that Emily IIand's son is on the spectrum, "we didn't know" but now we do! He is a great model for our kids living with autism, and how things get better only if you work your ass off now! In this picture, Vince is with him and the beautiful piece of art work that was presented to Detective III Gilbert Escontrias of the LAPD Mental Evaluation Unit, he has been with the LAPD for more than 27 years. With the support of his supervisors, he has taken a leadership role to proactively train many LAPD personnel about autism, together with Emily IIand and SCAAN....

I think this picture says it all, on how far and better things our getting in the outside world for all who live with autism...I just love learning new ways to help my son Giovanni recover from autism. I immediately came home and started working with him! I feel like every time Vince and I go together to these conference, our will to help our son gets stronger. Vince is learning the Biomedical part that is clearly working for our son Gio, and I'm learning the Education and self help part that is also working, together GOD has helped us combine our knowledge only to unlock and find more missing puzzle pieces. Thank you GOD for not letting us give up yet! Faith, Hope and Believing in our only LORD Father, who has sent us His only Son Jesus Christ our LORD and Savior, through Him we can pray and be listened to, and in that I can breath in knowing that He loves Giovanni more than I can ever dream of, HE knows the number of hairs that are on Gio's head!!! I don't!! Glory to GOD in the Highest, Above ALL...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baca boys...

All things happen to bring GLORY to GOD, I really believe that Joshua was sent for Giovanni. He looks after him in so many ways, and the age gap was perfect, it gives Gio time to be a kid for a long time with his little brother...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gio's 9th Birthday at the Santa Barbara Zoo...

Off to the the Santa Barbara Zoo, and back to the house for a surprise party for Giovanni. It was great! I want to thank every one who called my son for his birthday, which is NO ONE AT ALL!!! Just because he doesn't talk doesn't mean he can't feel. But the people who care, made a big effort to be there for him. Thank you Hopkins family for everything, the drive down to the Zoo, and for having cake and Ice cream with my son, also I want to thank my dear sister Janis and her kids, Jasmine and Alex, for loving Gio so much, your help with the surprise was perfect! I didn't have big plans for his birthday, because it was a Tuesday,but you thought of him and invited yourselves and made it a very special day for him, his face said it all and trust me when I tell you he remembers everything. Vince the love you have for your son is the best, and moments like this with him will last a lifetime! I love and thank you guys, in behalf of Gio...

In this picture. Bradley, Giovanni, Britney, Kendell, and Joshua in the back...

He loved his Birthday gifts, thanks guys....

Sorry Michelle , I loved the shirt, but Gio loved the book more...

I got Gio's favorite food, fries and hamburgers for the kids. Brad loved the cake and food too...

Gio eating his cupcake, one of many...

My sister Janis, and her daughter Jasmine, with Josh he loves them...

This is my favorite picture of Bradley Michelle's son, I don't know how this happened but look closely at his hand, I LOVE IT...

He was so happy, he turned and gave me a kiss...

He blow out all of his own candles this year, I made him cupcakes this year, he loved them, he had so many...

Last year we surprised him too, and didn't have a camera to capture it , but this year here it is! I loved this moment, and I thank you GOD for everything and anything you want to make of this family, because of moments like this!!!

My Friends Michelle, and Annette together we walk this journey called autism...

The Baca boys...

Joshua wanted to post this picture of the Giraffe, he loved it today....

The boys looking at the Turtles...

Gio looking at the Giraffe, he would tell me what he want to see the most, and it was the Giraffe....

Joshua also loved looking at the Giraffe's....

Gio loved the Gorilla's too...

OK! Michelle also had a great time, a therapist came to help her with her son Brad. This is a picture of her sitting on the train alone chilling, it was nice to see her have a moment of peace!

Gio on the train...

Joshua playing with the other kids....

Gio sitting inside an egg? What came first the Cow or the egg? :0

Joshua wanted to post this picture of the Elephant too...

Kendell, Britney and Gio say cheese...

Group picture, Gio, Brad, Kendell, Britney and Joshua in the front...We had a great long day, thank you GOD for our health and your hand in helping me and Vince in everything we do with, and for our kids!!!