John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Autism Diva Moms!!

OK, so one day when it came time to pick up our boys from school like any ordinary day at 3:00pm in the afternoon in the middle of the day. Julie, Noah's mom and Michelle, Bradley's mom showed up looking like this, big hair and shoes that should only be for showing off at a club, you see us autism diva moms always look the same every day a white shirt and jeans and if your lucky a nice pair of shoes with a different colored shirt. I just had to take this picture of them looking so hot in their new look, what ever happen to your shoes and hair girls?? I'm posting this picture because of the crazy pictures you posted of me, but don't be mad you look so much better than mine. (in the picture Julie W. and Michelle H.)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Let's talk about Joshua now!

Some people tell Vince and myself you never talk about Joshua, you always give Giovanni all of your attention!. What many of you don't know is that Vince picked Joshua's name. Vince myself, Gio, and the family all went to see our second son on a big 4d ultrasound for the first time, it was so hard to see him in fact only Vince could see him and said out loud he's a boy and his name will be Joshua. Also let me tell you Josh would never let that happen, you see he is full of life and needs all of your time there is no waiting for this child. He has a very strong character, but over all God gave us a typical son. Josh is a little delayed in the speech and social area, Regional Center said (3 months delayed). So he is now in an early start program and currently has speech and fine motor classes (OT) we started 3 months ago and Joshua is learning so much that we feel that the delay was due to not having more time around other kids that are not affected with autism, you see he only spends his time with his brother, so he is coping his brothers actions. Josh loves and looks up to Gio, and in his eyes his brother is perfect and wants to be just like him he follows him everywhere and copy's everything he does. And now that he is around other kids and they play and talk to him he is starting to see something is different about his big brother. It's a good thing that Josh can be easily redirected quickly. He is now doing so good with his new skills and friends, OK to good!! But I still want Josh to have his big brothers perfect heart. In this picture Josh is at school.

Josh is so loving to Vince and me, he always wants hugs and kisses from both of us, but if he sees Vince hugging or kissing me he gets so mad and tries hard to get his dad away from me and yells "get off papa". In the picture Vince Josh and me. I think Joshua looks just like his papa...

He loves to read and play lots of board games. He runs and gets his books and tells me to read to him. In this picture Josh, is opening a new book.

His dad takes really good pictures of him, and this one is special to Josh because he loves Thomas the train, and holds this picture to show people his favorite train.

Josh loves to take pictures, he always smiles for the camera, and says cheese. But then....

He just starts to get mad at me. In this picture look at his finger pointing at the camera, I told him to smile and he said "you smile" I guess he was having to much fun with his toys....
He said it again "you smile"...

Well I guess I take to many picture of Joshua because he's mastered the words "you smile". But I will keep trying.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Finding GOD in autism

So, Vince came home today and said here's a new book for you to read. Finding GOD in autism, by Kathy Medina a mom just like me who knows my trials and tribulations. I like my routine filled with the same things day after day, with a smile on my face my heart filled with hope, my soul and mind working and praying with faith, but when my human self that can't do anything without GOD, calls out for help he always answers my prayers. This book, that I finish that same night that Vince my husband gave me was exactly what I needed to hear. Bottom line is this, Jeremiah 29:11-14)"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek with all of your heart. I will be found by you.'Declares the Lord,' and will bring you back from captivity." So it got me thinking of all the things children affected by autism aren't supposed to accomplish in their lifetime, you know he will never speak, or love, or be social, but don't forget this famous one they will never be independent. In this picture Gio is on a bus in Cancun Mexico in the front seat as his grandparents think of how grateful they are to see this moment in their lifetime, they love him so much!. Gio loves to travel and look at things through his own eyes. Gio's words are "all done" he is saying leave me alone. (In this picture, Gio and his grandparents Maria and Cayo Baca)

Gio's on a swing, having so much fun! He loves to get out of the house, he runs for his shoes and says " let's go". He will go anywhere at anytime you ask him.

Gio and his little brother Joshua, I have never seen a love so beautiful, that communication is not a problem for them, it's something in their eyes that keeps them going. Gio is so happy that his Lord Father gave him a little brother.

Gio plays soccer, and on his preferred days he's pretty good, he likes passing the ball to all of his team. But I think he loves half time more, he sits and is soical with his friends from school.

Gio is learning everyday, he is coloring with me and his brother at the park for a family picnic. I thought I would never see this day, but my mom said "never say never" I'm not anymore.

But, most of all he is a daddy's little boy, just like any other boy, they always find crazy toys to play with!! I'm sharing this with you because after reading this book I prayed and GOD gave me a reminder about all the little things that make a big difference in our life living with autism. Glory to GOD in the Highest!! above all!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I went to a funeral this weekend, and it got me thinking of how much my sisters and I have been through these pass three years. First it starts with my grandmother that we love like our own mother dies of cancer, then my aunt moves to Hawaii with her family right after her mothers death only to die the very next year. We received a call out of the blue that she had passed in her sleep just like that, we loved her so much! So my mom gets very depressed that her mother and little sister our dead, only to find out that next year she now has stage four terminal cancer and would only live a year (God gave her two). You see my family is very small, because when my grandmother came from Mexico she only had three daughters, all of our family lives in Mexico, people we don't know, so it was only a mother and her three girls. Here is where my story begins it's only us now my dad, the four sisters, Janis, Me, Nikki, Cassandra, and between us four our six children. After the funeral we looked at each other as people reminded us of how we should always be together and never separate from each other, and we thought out loud that life is to short and we should do just that, because we know that the nightmare is not over, they all died of cancer and you know what that means it's in our genes. So I wanted to share a moment with you, we always pray for Gods mercy as we walk this gift called earth that he has giving us to share together. In the picture above, Janis, Cassandra, Nikki, and myself.

We all pray together, to show love for the ones we miss.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wake up Gio!

On the weekends Josh goes into Gio's room and waits for him to wake up in the morning, he gets his pillow a plate or cup and sleeps on the floor and doesn't move or make a sound, but the moment his brother moves he yells out loud "come on Gio play" then gives him the plate or cup and tells him "food please Gio". You see Josh doesn't see his big brother on the weekdays to much because Gio is in school, then he comes home to see his therapist waiting for him, or Josh and I are driving far to take him to his therapy's only to find out that his brother can't play right now, that's when the weekends come around and Joshua is the first to see his brother, because he knows Gio is all his to play with. I think Gio loves this time too, he now says "baby play" which is a big deal for him. By the way my sons are going to be very mad at me in about five year when they see this picture!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Surfers Healing

This is a program for children affected by autism, to get the chance to ride waves with professional surfers in a fun and friendly setup, they have food and drinks for all the family to enjoy. These pictures are from last year, but we are going again this June. In this picture Gio and Josh are with there Auntie Tammy Vince's sister, she gave us a ride all the way down to San Diego, That's crazy !! But she is like that for her nephew's.
Giovanni with his surfer, he had so much fun he didn't want to get off the board.

Joshua had his chance, but only on the sand, maybe next time Josh! He had fun anyway playing in the water with his friend Britney, Bradley's little sister.
Gio, this was before he went out to surf, he was really nervous. His smile says it all.
Gio and the founder of the program, his son is also affected by autism. He was so loving and understanding with Gio in this picture.

Friday, March 13, 2009

U.S.C. Trojan Game

My sister Cassandra is a U.S.C. student, she is graduating this May. I love her so much, I'm so thankful that she is finishing school!! (In this picture) My sister Cassandra and her friend from school with a Trojan soldier.

My little sister Cassandra, her friend, and me.

Joining the party, you put up the peace sign and follow the crowd as you listen to the band play there theme music and show your love, It's so much fun!

The famous Trojan solider on his horse making his way around the field, it's so loud and crazy when he does this!

My sister Cassie, her friend, and me out side before going in to watch the game.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

L.A. Laker Game

Vince likes to take me out of the house, and we love our L.A Laker games.

Me and vince before going in to watch the game.

Me in front of the Staples center.

Disneyland Trip

Gio loves all the rides.

Joshua looking at the map to get us to the buzz ride again!

Gio loves to jump, so we put him to work.

Joshua meeting his friend Buzz.

Me and my two boys.

Gio's Newest Treatment

This is Gio's hyperbaric chamber that he goes into twice a day for an hour at a time.

Vince and Gio inside the chamber looking out the window. At first when we started the chamber Vince stayed with him inside for an hour, to make sure Gio was safe and comfortable. And now Gio goes in all by himself, he takes his portable DVD player to watch his favorite movies and loves it in there, Vince and I see big changes in him a sign that the chamber is working.

Josh waiting for his brother to come out and play. He waits outside the chambers window and taps it telling Gio "out".