John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Joshua's 3rd Birthday party at Chuck E Cheese...

Joshua loved his party, he got lots of cool gift..

Katie and Baby Ray helping Joshua open his gifts, and mom looking crazy....

Vince's little sister Tammy just got over the Flu so when ever she coughed we made fun of her!

Gio, Katie, and Joshua having fun at the party...

Me Vince and Joshua, my sister cut my head off!

OK! retake, much better Janis!

Vince with his two boys!

Joshua loves his papa, he thanked him for the party in this picture....

Say HI to Chuck Joshua....

He loved everything about the party, but his best moment was with his friend Chuck E Cheese...

Joshua didn't want to let Chuck E Cheese go...

I love the look on Joshua face when he is happy...

Joshua blew out his own candles, with his Grandpa....

He waited for everyone to look at him in action, blow Joshua...

Say HI....

Pizza, cake, and his favorite Ice cream, WOW! Today was a good day for Joshua...

Having fun...

Like I said he didn't want Chuck to go...

Eating Pizza with Katie...

And Yes! Gio had a good time too, but I felt a little bad for Gio because everyone was with Joshua. I have to remember I have to sons not just one! But today was Joshua's day, we all know that everyday is reserved for Gio RIGHT!

Crazy family...

More crazy family....

My two sisters are always a part of my life....

More family....

Little Ray and Joshua looking so cute, my son loves his little cousin...

Joshua having fun...

OK! the night has to end with a kiss from mom guys, I love you both so much!

1 comment:

Julie Anne Winkle said...

How sweet Monica. It looks like all of you had a blast... love, Julie