John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Count down to Joshua's 3rd Brithday...

October 7th, our sweet Joshua is turning 3 years old. I can't help feeling like time is going by so fast, I just had him! Well now that Josh is fully potty trained and is going to school already before the age of 3, makes it so much different from my older son Giovanni. When Giovanni was a baby I felt like time stoped just for us both, and with Joshua time just pasted us by! Joshua was always a strong independent little boy from day one. I feel that GOD gave me a handful with a typical son at times, but I love every minute of it! I miss Gio as a baby more than Joshua, because I really felt that Gio needed me so much more, but Josh wants to find out about the world on his own! So I'm back to feeling so sad that my baby boy is turning 3 soon.... The LORD touched my heart when He gave me Joshua, and when he gave me Giovanni He touched my soul, and without my husband Vince I can't breathe or feel love, but before all is OUR LORD FATHER GOD....Thank you LORD for Your Grace!!!

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