John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Joshua is a fun Harvest baby...

Giovanni loves water and the hot summer days, he was born in August. Joshua loves picking out our family pumpkins and scarecrow's, he was born in October. Joshua's Birthday is next Wednesday and he can't wait for his cake and Ice cream...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Who is Giovanni Baca?

Gio is changing before my eyes! Who is he? What does he like? What is his favorite color? Well I use to answer all of these question for him and just smile like I was right, but I was so wrong! Gio now answers for himself, and guess what I really didn't know my son to well. I feel so bad at times for not helping him even more these last few years. Gio started to get mad and lost in a sad world. I started to get scared I felt I was losing him to a world that I couldn't get him out of, and now he loves himself and life! We go shopping with his friends, and guess what? His favorite color is black, and to think I would always put him in brite colors, "I thought they looked cute on him." He is reading and writing and looking so cool these days. I think that was the key to opening the door to Gio's new life, letting him be his own person and me and Vince taking a few steps back! My point is that I need, I want, and I love the LORD for making me see the light! Only through GOD can this be, and I will never forget the keys belong to GOD and not me, so LORD FATHER Gio is your son, I'm just your servant, touch our life as you please HOLY FATHER...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

2 more weeks for Joshua's 3rd Birthday...

Everyday Vince and I are told by Joshua, "Happy Birthday Chuck E Cheese." I think he is so happy these days. I also know that he is going to love his birthday gift and party...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Soccer pictures for Giovanni today...

OK! Today was a fun filled day with Giovanni. First off to take pictures at 9:30am, then a soccer game at 10:30am, and then off to Ryan's birthday party, that was a blast...
Gio likes soccer this year, and it shows!

Giovanni and Ethan taking a picture for me and Lisbet Ethan's mom...

I love their colors this year...

Me and my superstar GIO...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Baca boys...

I'm thanking GOD for every moment in time...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Count down to Joshua's 3rd Brithday...

October 7th, our sweet Joshua is turning 3 years old. I can't help feeling like time is going by so fast, I just had him! Well now that Josh is fully potty trained and is going to school already before the age of 3, makes it so much different from my older son Giovanni. When Giovanni was a baby I felt like time stoped just for us both, and with Joshua time just pasted us by! Joshua was always a strong independent little boy from day one. I feel that GOD gave me a handful with a typical son at times, but I love every minute of it! I miss Gio as a baby more than Joshua, because I really felt that Gio needed me so much more, but Josh wants to find out about the world on his own! So I'm back to feeling so sad that my baby boy is turning 3 soon.... The LORD touched my heart when He gave me Joshua, and when he gave me Giovanni He touched my soul, and without my husband Vince I can't breathe or feel love, but before all is OUR LORD FATHER GOD....Thank you LORD for Your Grace!!!


"Stop telling GOD how big your storm is, instead tell your storm how big GOD is."

Friday, September 11, 2009

Gio's first spelling test...

Giovanni's first spelling test was a success! He worked so hard last week, that he got a big Fantastic on his paper and got to blue level in the classroom, from his teacher Mr. K, blue is for a very good day in class... I'm so proud of Gio! So one spelling test down, with many more to come, so if you see that I have lost all of my hair, it's OK! Just tell me I look good, and in time I will buy a nice wig for the next 12 years!!!

His writing is getting so much better, he writes for me everyday for 30 min. no more tracing or hand over hand...

The words he gets on Monday, for the test on Friday. We work on them every night along with writing them too. Your Grace is all I need Lord, Shine on!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Joshua getting a haircut...

Joshua needed a haircut, so we went after school. Did I forget that he is only 3 years old and needs his rest now that he is a big boy that goes to school! I love it!!
I couldn't wait to show you guys this picture!!!

Joshua first day of Preschool...

OK! Vince knows how much I cried when I left my baby boy at school. I could not leave the parking lot, so I called my husband Vince and he talked me through it. I have always been around for Gio in everything he does, but with Joshua it's a lot different. I will never forget the look on Joshua's face when he noticed kids talking, and not flapping or making loud noises. He was so happy, but confused by it all. Please pray for him, that school will get better for him. I miss him so much when he is in school, but Vince and I know that he needs to be around other kids that are not affected with autism.

Joshua's school is very nice...

He really likes his school...

He is a good listener, and follows directions well, OK! most of the time...

He was so stressed out...

He looks so cute in line...

Joshua at his desk...

School's out!

Gio's new look...

Gio likes to look good now, he picks out his own clothes and loves his hair clean cut with gel. So I asked the teacher how many girls our in the class he told me 3, but the girls aren't' the problem the teacher told me, it's his new friends. He has two friends he likes to hang out with, and so I wanted to meet these boys. They now come over for play dates or Gio meets them at the park to ride their bike's and play tag , and no they don't have autism and still like to hang out with Gio. Thank you GOD for hearts that are made of gold!