John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Joshua is 32 months now and is talking in sentences, I'm so thankful everyday for the time I get to spend with him. I love taking him to school, OK! mommy and me classes, but he prefers to say school. He told me just the other day how much he loves me, he came up to me and gave me a big hug and said "I love you mama." I have that moment in my heart and I will remember it when I feel stressed out or forgetful. I still can't wait to hear Gio's voice, but you know what I can and will wait, because I love every minute I get with Gio and how he shows me his love without words, now those are moments that will fill my heart with joy forever!!!

He is so cute, Joshua's new sentence for the week is "Gio's at school."

Everyone tells us how much he looks like Gio in this picture, but I think he looks like Joshie, that's what he calls himself "I'm Joshie."

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Disney Cruise....

The Baca family went on a 7 day cruise to the Bahama's. The boys loved it...Gio, Josh and Cinderella...OK, maybe the princess thing is my thing, because the boys kept asking for Buzz, Woody and Mickey look at Gio's face...

Max with Vince and the boys...

Gio loves Pinocchio, and we loved the Pizza too...

Just 10 minutes away from boarding the ship...

Getting the party started, with all of the people and characters....

Me and the boys in front of the ship at Castaway Key, Disney's own Island...

Gio got so dark, when he smiled his teeth were so white, it was funny...

Josh loves the camera, he loved the water too...

Joshua would tell Gio, "look Gio water."

This time around Gio would just go up to all the characters and give them a high five...

Vince and the boys with Mickey at Castaway Key...

All of us in front of the ship, Josh loved these pictures, he would say "it's a boat."

Vince and the boys at Castaway Key...

The ship is so big, with plenty of fun things for the kids...

Me and Josh at the Atlantis Resort, it was something I have been wanting to see for so long...

OK, Josh was not liking this picture, but it was so crazy that you can get this close to a shark and not DIE...The Atlantis Resort has lots of Aquarium's to see.

This was one of Gio's favorite days, he loved this spot and I hated looking at him sit right in front of that shark, a moment I will never forget...

He wanted to stay with the sharks all day...

Vince and the boys entering a cave to get to one of the Aquariums...

Gio was so happy, he would say "I'm happy" out of the blue...

It was Pirate night, and we had fun with Gio...

The ship has three pools, but Gio loved the pool with the water slides...

Gio coming down a slide...

OK, this is the life of a kid...

Me and Gio at one of our dinners. The walls light up, it's a fun Animated show...

The boys watching Toy Story on the big screen TV...

Vince and the boys, Gio felt like he was going to fall back into the water if he moved...

Having a big party everyday...

I love this picture of Gio, and the sunset...

Gio let us have fun with him, he's a cool kid to play with...

Me and Vince at one of our Dinners...

Our stateroom helper made fun animals out of towels for Josh every night...Josh loved this Elephant.

Gio had all of his food made to order, down to the bread. Our head server had a menu for his GF/CF diet, it was great and good too, Vince and myself ate from Gio's menu some nights at Dinner...

Vince and the boys watching a movie inside the pool, everyone went on their excursions that day so they had the pool all to themselves...

The boys with Mr. and Mrs. Mouse...

I was walking with Gio, when he spotted Bell and wanted to say HI...

Having fun with Joshua...

It's party time...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

animoto - the end of slideshows: Julie's Baby Shower, It's a baby boy...

animoto - the end of slideshows: Julie's Baby Shower. Michelle Hopkins made this video of Julie's baby shower this weekend, and I love it so much... The moms under the tree gave Mrs. Hildebrand room 25 SDC a beautiful baby shower, it was also a farewell party for a strong and wonderful teacher that gives so much to all of her students. We will miss you so much and will never forget you. Thank you Julie, for giving it your best always!!

Happy Mothers Day...

My mothers day gift was when GOD gave Giovanni a little brother to love and play with. When Joshua was a little small body Gio would never touch him, I think he didn't want to hurt him...In this picture Joshua is 2 days old, and Gio is 6 years old.

And once Joshua started walking Gio couldn't leave him alone. They love each other and everyday it gets better for both of them, Gio is now talking more to get his little brothers attention, and Josh is talking period and I Love every moment of it all...and that's the best Mothers day gift for me. Happy Mothers day to all of you who give all to love and care for your kids... In this picture Josh is 2 now, and Gio is 8, time is going by so fast...

Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Tia Tammy...

My boys love Tia Tammy, Vince's little sister. She always helps me with her nephews, and we would like to say Happy Birthday Tammy and many more, may God bless you in all that you do in this life as his child...

She loves spending time with the boys, she calls me and tells me her plans with them, not if they can go but "get them ready I will be there in five minutes." I love this sister-in-law so much...In this picture, Tammy, Gio, and little Joshua. I love this picture look at Josh's little head and body looking out and Gio looks so embarrassed by it all...