John 16:33

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Giovanni plays basketball for the Special Olympics Team here in Santa Clarita....

Me cheering on the teams! Waiting for that moment for Giovanni to see me there!

Go team Sharks! The team got Silver!

The Athletes running with the torch....

Giovanni with his little brother Joshua before the games.....

The torch getting delivered in a very special way! It was one of the best moments in my life to feel Gio let go of my hand as we started walking on the field. As I let go of his hand, I died inside to all the fears of losing him. When I looked back and saw his smile as I walked away from him I thanked GOD for his Love, and the moment he gave us both! Gio worked so hard, and he wanted to show it without mom holding him! So he walked with his team in the middle of hundreds of people all around him, it's a moment I will never forget!

Joshua meets Thomas....

The conductor gave Joshua this certificate for completing his ride on Thomas! He was so happy!

One happy kid, holding a very special ticket....


They both love this place.....
I just love Joshua's smile.....
Hey, look its Woody....
Joshua has a good sense of direction....
My little man with his best friend! I just love these times, when everything in their life is so simple and carefree!